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Home » Top Attractions In Rome: A Comprehensive Guide to the Best Things to See and Do

Top Attractions In Rome: A Comprehensive Guide to the Best Things to See and Do

Are you finding it tricky to decide what to see and do in Rome? It’s a common dilemma. With countless attractions like the Colosseum and Vatican Museums, making choices can indeed be overwhelming.

This guide highlights top spots to help you make the most of your trip. Stick around!

Key Takeaways

  • The Colosseum, built between 72 A.D. and 80 A.D., is an iconic symbol of Ancient Rome where gladiators once fought in grand spectacles.
  • St. Peter’s Basilica in Vatican City stands as the largest church globally, designed with Renaissance architecture by Michelangelo.
  • MAXXI – National Museum showcases contemporary art and architecture, featuring innovative designs by Zaha Hadid.
  • Visiting catacombs like San Callisto offers a unique look into early Christian burial sites beneath Rome’s surface.
  • Day trips to places such as Ostia Antica reveal well-preserved ruins that provide deep insights into ancient Roman life.

Iconic Historical Sites

Rome is full of amazing historical sites. Ancient ruins and grand structures tell stories of the Roman Empire.


The Colosseum stands tall in the centre of Ancient Rome. Built between 72 A.D. and 80 A.D, Emperor Vespasian ordered its construction. This stone and concrete amphitheatre is over 1,900 years old.

It once hosted fierce gladiatorial battles witnessed by thousands of Romans.

With nearly two thousand years of history, the Colosseum offers much to learn. Public spectacles filled its massive arena. The Flavian Amphitheatre amazes with stories from ancient times to today.

Roman Forum and Palatine Hill

Roman Forum and Palatine Hill

Standing near the Colosseum, I found myself at the Roman Forum. This spot was full of ancient ruins and historical buildings. The Senate House stood majestic, reminding me of Rome’s powerful past.

Temples like Saturn’s Temple also caught my eye.

Climbing Palatine Hill offered stunning views. It felt magical standing where Romulus and Remus might have once lived. Historical wonders like Domus Flavia and Farnese Gardens were there too.

Each step took me deeper into Rome’s rich history.


The Pantheon in Rome is simply amazing. Built in 27 BC by Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa, this ancient wonder stands strong today. Its grand dome and stunning interior attract visitors from everywhere.

Architects and artists admire its beauty and history. Many call it one of the best tourist spots in Rome. The building’s preservation over centuries makes it special. “It feels like stepping back in time,” a visitor once said.

Religious and Ceremonial Sites

Rome offers stunning religious sites with deep history. Visit these amazing places to feel the spirit of Rome.

St. Peter’s Basilica

St. Peter’s Basilica amazes with its grand size and beauty. It stands as the largest church in the world, dedicated to Saint Peter, one of Jesus Christ’s twelve apostles. The stunning Renaissance-style architecture showcases intricate designs and awe-inspiring artworks.

Visitors can marvel at the magnificent dome designed by Michelangelo and many exquisite sculptures inside.

The basilica is a symbol of Vatican City and hosts key Catholic ceremonies. There are strict entrance rules, including a dress code that must be followed. Inside, you will find breath-taking art and detailed decorations that reflect its religious significance.

A visit here offers a glimpse into history, art, and faith all in one place.

Vatican Museums & Sistine Chapel

The Vatican Museums hold over 70,000 paintings and other works of art. Situated within the walls of Vatican City, these museums showcase a rich collection of Roman sculptures and Renaissance paintings.

Visitors can explore galleries filled with treasures from various periods. The Museums also house masterpieces such as Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel.

The Sistine Chapel is found in the Apostolic Palace, the Pope’s official residence. It stands out for its religious and artistic grandeur, making it essential for anyone visiting Rome.

The ceiling painted by Michelangelo draws millions each year. This iconic site offers a glimpse into Rome’s grand past.

The true work of art is but a shadow of the divine perfection. – Michelangelo

Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore

The Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore lies close to the Vatican Museums & Sistine Chapel. This grand church is one of Rome’s four papal basilicas.

Located on Esquiline Hill, it marks where snow miraculously fell in August. The basilica stands out with its ancient mosaics and frescoes. Inside, sculptures add to its beauty. Its architecture is a stunning example of Early Christian art.

Cultural and Artistic Attractions

Rome is full of art and culture. Museums here display incredible pieces from different eras. One place, the Galleria Borghese, has amazing sculptures and paintings. The Musei Capitolini has ancient Roman artefacts that are fascinating to see.

Visiting these spots gives a deep insight into Rome’s rich artistic past.

Explore more cultural treasures in the city!

MAXXI – National Museum of 22nd Century Arts

MAXXI stands in the Flaminio district, as Italy’s first national museum dedicated to contemporary art and architecture. Designed by Zaha Hadid, its innovative design spans 27,000 square metres.

The museum houses two main sections: MAXXI Art and MAXXI Architecture. Each space showcases modern masterpieces which make it one of the best contemporary art museums in Rome.

Visiting MAXXI offers unlimited admission for one year and special access to cultural events. Inside you’ll find artworks that push the boundaries of creativity. I found their educational programmes engaging and well-organised.

The building itself is a piece of art with flowing lines and open spaces that encourage curiosity.

“Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable.”

I felt this quote came alive during my visit to MAXXI.

Musei Capitolini

After experiencing modern art at MAXXI, I went to the Capitoline Museums. They are in Piazza del Campidoglio and house a vast collection of ancient Roman and Renaissance art. The museums, located on Capitoline Hill, include three buildings filled with stunning sculptures and paintings.

Dating back to 1471, these museums are the oldest public ones in the world. Visitors can enjoy top-down views of iconic places like the Roman Forum and Palatine Hill from here. In addition to classical sculptures, there’s also a bookshop offering guides about Rome’s rich history.

Galleria Borghese

Ending the visit to Musei Capitolini, I went straight to the Galleria Borghese. Here, you can see works by Caravaggio, Raphael, Rubens and Bernini. The gallery also has ancient mosaics and sculptures.

Located within Villa Borghese park, this place is a haven for Renaissance and Baroque art lovers. Marvel at Bernini’s sculptures like “Apollo and Daphne”. Don’t miss masterpieces by Titian and Antonio Canova too!

Public Squares and Fountains

Rome is famous for its beautiful squares and fountains. Each spot offers stunning views and unique charm.

Trevi Fountain

The Trevi Fountain is one of the most popular tourist attractions in the city of Rome. Built by architect Nicola Salvi, it has stood since 19 BC. Stunning statues and intricate architecture decorate the fountain.

It sits in Piazza di Trevi, adding to Roma’s charm and beauty.

Visitors throw coins into the fountain for good luck. The money collected helps support local charities. A visit to Fontana di Trevi is a must-do for every trip to Rome, offering both practical tips and interesting facts for tourists.

The romantic atmosphere makes it an unmissable sight in Rome Italy.

Piazza Navona

Piazza Navona was built on the Stadium of Domitian. It features three beautiful fountains, including Bernini’s famous Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi. The square bursts with lively dining spots and shops.

People fill the area, adding to its vibrant atmosphere.

The district around Piazza Navona offers plenty to explore. Visitors see stunning Baroque architecture at churches like Sant’Agnese in Agone. Historical elements fill every corner of the square.

This stretch seamlessly blends history, dining, and entertainment options that lead you straight to exploring the Spanish Steps next!

Spanish Steps

The Spanish Steps, called Scalinata di Trinità dei Monti in Italian, were built between 1723 and 1726. They connect Piazza di Spagna to the French monastery above. The steps show off a beautiful Rococo style known for its fancy decorations.

At the bottom sits Fontana della Barcaccia, a fountain shaped like a sinking ship made by Pietro Bernini.

These steps attract tourists from everywhere. Many films and fashion shows have used this spot as a backdrop. People visit not just for the history but also for the romance they feel here.

Visitors often sit on these famous steps to relax and soak in the view of Rome’s lively streets below.

Unique Experiences in Rome

Explore the ancient Catacombs deep beneath the city. Ride a bike through historic streets for a fun way to see Rome’s beauty.

Exploring the Catacombs

The catacombs in Rome are both haunting and fascinating. You can explore tunnels and see history up close.

  • The Catacombs of San Callisto host around 60 excavations.
  • The Papal Tombs hold remains of early Popes.
  • The Capuchin Crypt has bones of about 4,000 monks.
  • Intricate architecture and symbols adorn these underground sites.
  • Taking a tour offers deep cultural insights into Rome’s past.
  • Discover secrets beneath the city’s surface through guided visits.
  • Some catacombs date back to the earliest Christian times.

Rome by Bike

Exploring Rome by bike is a fantastic way to see the city. You can cover a lot of ground quickly and enjoy the sites.

  • Join a 6-hour tour on the Appian Way. It includes visits to ancient aqueducts and catacombs.
  • Rent an E-bike for an easy ride around famous landmarks like the Colosseum and the Pantheon.
  • Cycle along Via del Corso to see shops and historic sites.
  • Explore quieter areas like Gianicolo Hill for stunning views.
  • Visit parks such as Villa Borghese, offering a peaceful escape in the middle of Rome.

Next, let’s explore some exciting cooking classes and food tours in Rome.

Cooking Classes and Food Tours

Cooking classes and food tours in Rome are amazing ways to learn about the city’s rich culinary traditions. I enjoyed every moment of these experiences.

  • Pasta Making: I learnt to make fresh pasta from scratch. The chef showed us how to knead, roll, and cut the dough. We made spaghetti, tagliatelle, and lasagna sheets.
  • Pizza Making: We made pizzas in a wood-fired oven. The dough was soft and stretchy. Toppings included fresh tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, and basil leaves.
  • Gelato Workshops: An expert taught us how to create creamy gelato. We used fresh ingredients like milk, sugar, and fruits.
  • Truffle Hunting: A local guide took us on a truffle hunt. We found black truffles hidden in the soil. Then we cooked delicious dishes with them.
  • Food Tours: I joined a food tour in Trastevere. We tasted local treats like supplì (fried rice balls) and artichokes.
  • Cooking Classes by the Vatican: These classes offered lessons near St Peter’s Basilica. I learnt Roman recipes while enjoying views of Vatican Gardens.
  • Local Guides: Local guides led most tours and classes. They shared insider tips on where to eat in Rome.
  • Airbnb Experiences: Many cooking classes can be booked through Airbnb. It was simple to find a class that fit my schedule.
  • Culinary Heritage: Each experience brought me closer to Rome’s vibrant culinary heritage. From ancient recipes to modern twists, there was so much to discover.

I highly recommend these activities for anyone looking to explore Rome’s cuisine deeply.

Day Trips from Rome

Rome is a fantastic city, but there’s so much more nearby.

You can explore ancient ruins or grand villas in one day.

Ostia Antica

Ostia Antica is a vast archaeological site about 30 kilometres from Rome. It once was an ancient Roman port town with up to 100,000 inhabitants. One of the most under-appreciated sites here is the temple of Fabri Navales, the guild for ship carpenters.

Visiting Ostia Antica feels like stepping into history. The ruins are well-preserved and include highlights such as Parco Archeologico di Ostia Antica and Castello di Giulio II. This site is often called the “new Pompeii” due to its impressive ruins and monuments, some in even better condition than those in Pompeii.

Situated at the mouth of the Tiber River and on the Mediterranean Sea, it offers a unique glimpse into ancient daily life.

Tivoli’s Villa d’Este & Villa Adriana

Villa d’Este in Tivoli is full of beauty and history. Built during the Italian Renaissance, it has stunning gardens and hundreds of fountains. It’s a great spot to stroll and enjoy the scenery.

Villa Adriana, or Hadrian’s Villa, shows how lavish ancient Romans lived. The ruins here are vast and fascinating. Both villas make for an unforgettable day trip from Rome with their rich history and scenic surroundings.


Rome brims with history and culture. You can visit iconic sites like the Colosseum, Pantheon, and Trevi Fountain. Amazing museums and beautiful squares are everywhere. Don’t miss experiences like biking through Rome or exploring its catacombs.

Day trips to places such as Tivoli offer more wonders just outside the city.

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1. What is St. Peter’s Basilica?

St. Peter’s Basilica is a large church in Vatican City. It features stunning architecture and important religious artefacts.

2. Where can I see ancient Roman baths?

Visit the Baths of Caracalla and Terme di Diocleziano to explore well-preserved ancient Roman bathhouses.

3. Which gallery showcases Baroque art in Rome?

The Doria Pamphili Gallery displays beautiful Baroque-style paintings, including works by Veronese.

4. Can I visit underground catacombs in Rome?

Yes, you can explore the Catacombs of Domitilla for an interesting look at early Christian burial sites.

5. What famous square should I visit near St. Peter’s Basilica?

Stroll through St. Peter’s Square to admire its grand columns and statues located just outside the basilica.

6. Are there any notable museums near Piazza del Popolo?

Yes, you can find Museo Nazionale Romano and Borghese Gallery close to Piazza del Popolo displaying rich collections of art and history.

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